I'm Talha,
a frontend developer
& Graphics Designer
based in Pakistan.
I’m Talha, a Pakistani devoted to learning new stuff and enabling myself so I can benefit others. I'm a Student, front‑end developer and Graphics Designer focused on helping others by my craft, building excellent websites and graphics that help those around me. I’m always eager to learn and agile towards the latest technology. Reading books and DIY projects are my hobbies.
- Web Design
- Frontend Development
- UI Design
- Illustration
- Microsoft Office
CNC & Blockchain
January 2022 - Present
PIAIC a prestigious Institute initiated by our President, Dr. Alvi. I am studing the principals of Cloud Computing (incl. web dev) and Blockchain development.
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Bachelor of Computer Sciences
April 2021 - Present
During the past year, I have studied the Basics of Computer Sciences and have dived into Programming. I have learned basic programming and have much more to learn.
Saylani MIT Training
Web App Development
August 2020 - July 2021
Studied Web app development, with React js and Redux as frontend and firebase as backend.
Recent Works
Here are some of my favorite projects I have done lately. Feel free to check them out.
Cannoli Restaurant
A Landing Page of a mock restaurant made with React JS components.
- React JS
Portfolio Design
A unique Portfolio UI Design made in Figma, for both Desktop and Mobile use i.e, for responsive web design.
- UI Design
- Figma
Saltafa Nation
Work as a Volunteer at Saltafa Nation, a local News Organization that aims to provide unbiased news and opinions, as a graphics designer.
- Graphics Design
- Figma/Canva
Todo App
A minimalist Todo web-app made with HTML, CSS and JS. It can add task, remove task and mark completed tasks.
- JS
Expense Tracker
An Expense Tracker app made with HTML, CSS and JS to make expense tracking simple, With its simple design you can add and remove expenses/income and add description for them.
- JS
CRUD Dashboard
A CRUD App made in react with React-Dom and Material UI framework. It can add, delete, edit the users and show them.
- React JS
- React Router
Fakestore Online Shopping
A mock-up online store made with Fakestore API and React-Router in React JS to show the products and sort them too
- Fakestore API
- React JS
- React Router
Get In Touch
I love to hear from you. Whether you have a question or just want to chat about design, tech & art — shoot me a message.